Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hug, kram, étreinte, abrazo, объятие, αγκαλιά, kucak...

I really, really, really reaaaaaaaally need one now!! Doesn't matter from whom... just need one! Or actually I think have a person(s) in mind but that aint gonna happen today atleast... some day maby! No, no one can guesse who it might be, it's not the obvious one cause not even I'm 100% sure who I really want to hug right now! If a picture could be a cliché, then this picture (series) is one of the top ten in the world but atm it describes my feelings to well:

Sorry to tired to write in correct english right now :/ (like if i ever do...)

Ps. No I'm not depressed, just to tired not knowing what i want :D And all the pictures i made is in a Harddrive who's on stike so i'll have to borrow other ppls pictures for a while .Ds


Veronica said...

I´ll give you a hug... HAPPY ?

Agha Jan Itor said...

Well it feels better but i don't know... maby a real hug would be better :D

varför skriver jag på engelska i kommentaren till dig med? :D Tack vännen det hjälper lite... men jag har fortfarande nått tungt över hjärtat, växer sig större för varje dag :( Känns som att jag är sent ute... med allt just nu. En del saker mer än annat.