Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hug, kram, étreinte, abrazo, объятие, αγκαλιά, kucak...

I really, really, really reaaaaaaaally need one now!! Doesn't matter from whom... just need one! Or actually I think have a person(s) in mind but that aint gonna happen today atleast... some day maby! No, no one can guesse who it might be, it's not the obvious one cause not even I'm 100% sure who I really want to hug right now! If a picture could be a cliché, then this picture (series) is one of the top ten in the world but atm it describes my feelings to well:

Sorry to tired to write in correct english right now :/ (like if i ever do...)

Ps. No I'm not depressed, just to tired not knowing what i want :D And all the pictures i made is in a Harddrive who's on stike so i'll have to borrow other ppls pictures for a while .Ds

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Give me a M, give me a "ega Man"

yes... yes.... OH YES BABY!!! Me like soooooooooooo much!! I am 9 years old all over again :D Downloaded Mega Man 9 to wii today!! I R in love. Dr. Wiley is the good guy now? Neh i don't think so he is to Evul!!! Now we can add 8 (so far) more bosses to that picture... ONE OF THEM IS A GIRL MUHAHAHA!!

(Tacka Bubbles för att hon hjälpte mig återuppliva denna halvtrista blogg... extra dos lila potatis till Vonkis!)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

9 månader...

Mmm spelet i sig var slöseri med tid, stundtals inte roligt men man fick några vänner för livet runtom i hela Europa... och så var det roligt att leka med denna bild! Själva "bakgrundsbilden" tar jag ingen cred för men resten is made by me! Jag älskar honung och vad än min bliviande fru kommer att säga så MÅSTE min första dotter heta Asal! BASTA!

Ps. vill inte skryta men ljuseffekten på den gröna texten och honings dropparna är jag mest nöjd med, även om bilden i sig inte är något att skryta över :P .Ds

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


"Spring marks the transition from Winter into Summer." (i love wiki P)
There is now doubt any more, THE SPRING IS HERE! The weather is perfect, not too warm not too cold, it's like we say in Sweden "lagom" .

I know i know, the picture sucks... but if you have some knowledge in Swedish (and a bit imagination) you'll see the "thought" behind it. To all my Swedish brothers and sisters: Mmm vet rätt billigt "skämt" men hey det är ju VÅÅÅÅÅÅÅR!!

Ps. Yes, the guy has long hair cause I have long hair... and don't think I'll cut it until the summer... muhahaha. Ds.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I miss the blue Smarties :(

I know it's old news but I have got caught in time, my life got paused that fateful December day 2005... any how I'm a candy addict and Smarties has been my number one favourite since I can remember. It took me a while though to notice a small change of the colours of the delicious candy pieces but I didn't pay much attention to it until today...: (info from wikipedia)

"In 2006 it was announced that Nestlé were removing all artificial colourings from Smarties in the UK, owing to consumer concerns over the effect of chemical dyes on children's health.[2] Nestlé decided to replace all chemical dyes with natural ones, but as they were unable to source a natural blue dye, the blue Smarties were removed from circulation..."

I know that the blue Smarties were re-introduced in February 2008 but apparently only in the UK. We have a really boring colour range in Sweden without blue- and as far as I have noticed mauve Smarties (i haven't seen the white one either... never ever). Man I miss the blue Smarties, now i can't eat the Swedish flag :,-(

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

...and so it begins... L:s and G:s welcome to my art garden!

“A vegetable garden in the beginning looks so promising and then after all little by little it grows nothing but vegetables, nothing, nothing but vegetables.”
Gertrude Stein

The seeds that I'm about to sow looks promising and I hope they'll grow up to be delicious herbs and vegetables ... And don't worry I'll put out some garden signs with my crazy thoughts, so you have something to read while you wait for new art to grow.